Most people do not know that there are methods to predict precise stock price targets. That is why most people do not know when to exit positions and how to make maximum profits or cut loss early. After studying ten of thousands of stock charts, we have discovered some secret and amazing chart patterns that can be used to calculate precise stock price targets. Many effective chart pattern secrets are still not published so we can use them as my proprietary income skills. These chart patterns are different from all of those classic chart patterns currently published in books and web sites. By using our proprietary chart pattern theories,we can calculate precise swing price targets, all time high and all time low price targets of many stocks .
We were able to calculate the recent $1 bottom price of Citigroup more than one year ago. When I calculated the stock price target below $0 for Lehman Brothers, Freddie Mac, Wamu Bank months before their stock collapse,we knew they were risks of bankruptcy. We were also able to calculate the recent Dow Jones Industrial Index at 6500 support level and made money from the upside reversal since then.
If you are looking for big gains in the stock market try While not all of our forecasts are correct 100% of the time , many are and provide excellent gains that out deliver the small losses. If you have questions you can contact us directly in the contact us section of the site.Our customer service is excellent and we will try to answer every question from our subscribers. If you are not happy for any reason simply let us know and we will cancel your subscription with no further charges
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